Want to Write For Us?

Contribute Your Pet Insights to Pets Are Like Family

Hello, fellow pet lovers! Are you enthusiastic about home pets like dogs, cats, birds, fish, or even exotic pets? If you have a wealth of knowledge and insights to share about the well-being of our beloved companions, Pets Are Like Family invites you to contribute to our community. Your unique perspective can make a difference in the lives of pet owners and enthusiasts.

Why Contribute to Pets Are Like Family?

  1. Showcase Your Expertise: Display your expertise to a dedicated community of pet enthusiasts. Pets Are Like Family is the perfect platform to share your insights and experiences with fellow pet lovers.
  2. Connect with Pet Enthusiasts: Engage with a community that shares your passion for animals. Your contributions can inspire and guide pet owners in creating a nurturing environment for their furry, feathery, or scaly friends.
  3. Preferred Topics:
    • Dog Care: Share your expertise on dog breeds, training tips, health considerations, and heartwarming stories that celebrate the bond between dogs and their owners.
    • Cat Kingdom: Contribute articles about cat breeds, grooming, behavior, and creating a cat-friendly home environment.
    • Feathered Friends: Explore the world of birds – from choosing the right cage to nutrition and understanding bird behaviors.
    • Fins and Scales: Dive into the care of fish – from setting up aquariums to maintaining water quality and selecting the right fish species.
    • Exotic Pet Care: Provide insights into the unique needs of exotic pets. From reptiles to small mammals, share your expertise on creating a loving environment for less conventional companions.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Original Content: We value originality. Please ensure that your submission has not been published elsewhere.
  2. Relevance to Pet Well-being: Align your article with our focus on pet care and well-being. Your piece should offer valuable insights and practical advice for pet owners.
  3. Engaging Style: Craft your article in an engaging and reader-friendly manner. We want our audience to connect with the information you’re sharing.
  4. Word Count: Aim for a word count of more than 900 words. This allows for depth without overwhelming the reader.

How to Submit

Excited to contribute? Send your article submissions to petsarelikefamily1@gmail.com. Our editorial team will review your submission, and if it resonates with our mission of promoting responsible and loving pet care, we’d be delighted to feature your work!

Join us in celebrating the bond between pets and their human companions. Be a part of Pets Are Like Family’s mission to provide valuable information and support to pet owners. We can’t wait to read your insights on pet care and well-being!